Two Irish Singers Are Blown Away As Adele Invites Them Onstage

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If you haven’t seen it yet, you NEED to watch the amazing moment when two Irish lads got to sing on stage with Adele! How did this even happen? Well, get ready for a fantastic story.

YouTube is full of talented singers who dream of being discovered. Many of them record covers of famous songs, hoping that one day, the original artist might see their video, leave a comment, or—if they’re really lucky—share it on social media. But what happened to Ronan Scolard and Glenn Murphy was beyond their wildest dreams.

The two friends recorded a medley of Adele’s biggest hits and uploaded it to their YouTube channel. At first, they just hoped a few people would enjoy it. But then, something incredible happened—the video went viral! Within a week, it had racked up hundreds of thousands of views. The boys were over the moon, thrilled that so many people loved their music. But one thing never even crossed their minds: what if Adele herself had seen it?

Source: YouTube

On top of their excitement, there was something else to look forward to. Adele was coming to Dublin for a concert, and they had tickets! Just seeing their idol live was going to be an unforgettable experience. Little did they know, something even more amazing was about to happen.

The night of the concert arrived. Ronan and Glenn took their seats, buzzing with excitement. When Adele walked on stage, she was mesmerizing—every song was magic. They were completely lost in the moment, soaking in every second. And then, something completely unexpected happened.

Adele spoke into the microphone and said she wanted to bring two special people on stage. She was talking about THEM! Shocked, they could barely believe what was happening as she called their names. The entire arena erupted in cheers as Ronan and Glenn made their way to the stage. When Adele greeted them with warm hugs, they looked like they might explode with happiness.

Source: Youtube

But the surprises weren’t over. Adele turned to the crowd and said, “These guys had NO idea I was going to do this.” Then, with a playful smile, she asked them to sing their medley—LIVE, right there on stage! To top it off, she had even arranged for a grand piano to be brought out for them.

What could they say? Of course, they had to do it! With their hearts pounding, Ronan and Glenn sat down at the piano and began to sing. Their voices soared through the arena, full of emotion and passion. Every now and then, they had to blink away tears—they were singing for Adele, in front of thousands of people! It was a dream come true.

Meanwhile, Adele showed just how kind and humble she really is. Instead of joining in or stealing the spotlight, she stepped back, watching proudly from the side of the stage. Her face lit up with joy as she listened to them perform her songs so beautifully. She knew this was their moment, and she wanted them to shine.

By the time they finished, the crowd went absolutely wild. The applause and cheers were deafening! It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment, something they would never forget.

You NEED to check out their incredible performance, as well as the original video that caught Adele’s attention. And if you want to hear more from Ronan Scolard, don’t forget to subscribe to their YouTube channel!